Saturday, September 1, 2018

new vocab

These words populate my speech now:
Plattsburgh, PGs, advisee, Grape Nut custard, Subaru Outback, Tilton, Camp Mowglis ("mao-glee"), canoe!, seltzer, pour, ahh bad decision, Dollar General, Husky Nation, bleeding green, hemlock, white pines have five needles, birch!, blackbear, Nelly, Ludacris, Pilalas ("puh laww luhs"), HIIT, hell-ooo mister fluffy, how old's your baby?, the lake, the lake house, what lake is that, wicked [XYZ], Newton, 93 North, Worcester ("wuhster"), Concord Coach, yes I'll have a dumpling, "I'm Gl--Miss Breck!"

Who knew Grape Nuts could be made into a custard, utterly annihilating their teeth-annihilating ways?! Also, that NH has +-twice the population of and different soil than VT (resulting in ver-monty's fluffier greenery)?

Also, that no words are better suited to winning both hearts and cooperation than:
- What can I bake for you?
- Let's go to Dunks!

NEPSAC experience in a nutshell. Somehow bypassed the whole shebang at Midd.
Home's a good place, and so is here :)

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