1) Vienna Teng's Grandmother Song, w/ interjections:
said auntie in shiny place |
"Oh girl you think you got time / You're gonna get 'round to it way down the line / But one step, two step, you fall behind / So you better have a good plan
Oh girl you think you got time / You're gonna get 'round to it way down the line / But I'm telling you no matter what you have in mind / You're still gonna need a man
Take it from your grandmother [auntie] I've been 'round / No one's gonna take care of you / In that world you've got yourself into / All the good boys, oh baby they're in grad school [not Middlebury]
office space |
Oh girl your story's all wrong / Your dream'll be a nightmare before too long / Turning thirty [22] and still trying to sing your songs [hah] / Come on who do you think you are / Oh girl it's too heavy a load / Your mama and your baba they are worried souls [troo] / How you gonna raise a family when you're on the road / With some tattooed boy with a guitar [Giant Peach]
Take it from your grandmother I've been 'round / This music career isn't real life / It won't see you through to when you're sixty-five [but maybe after that] / When the tide turns you won't survive / You'll sit on the banks and cry
meeting my middo best friend's mother :) |
Oh girl you've never know war / When they come in the night and knock on the door / You can go from the high life to dirty poor [coffee shop wifi] / And lose everything you knew / But the one thing they can't take away from you / Is your mind and the education you've been through [yes!]
Because a woman isn't just for cooking meals [though here's how] / Scrubbing floors, making babies / A woman's got ambitions same as he does / Maybe more
middo visitor = island of sanity
When the sirens wailed and the bombs fell / We ran from the schoolyard into hell / And what we could've been time will never tell / 'cause we never had your chances / The advantages that you've been handed [SHS, Midd] / Take it from your grandmother [auntie] I've been 'round
O you find a man who understands that too / Make sure that he stays true [hard] / Gives respect where its due / Make sure he knows what he's got in you [lest]"
2) 差不多的先生 ("Mr. Almost"), by MC Hot Dog (judgeth thee not):
from 798 Art Zone |
我抽著差不多的煙 又過了差不多的一天 / 時間差不多的閒 我花著差不多的錢 / 口味要差不多的鹹 做人要差不多的賤 / 活在差不多的邊緣 又是差不多的一年 / 一個差不多的台北市 有差不多的馬子 / 差不多又幹了幾次 用著差不多的姿勢 / 看著差不多的電視 吃著差不多的狗屎 / 寫著差不多的字 又發著差不多的誓 / 差不多的夜生活 又喝著差不多的酒 / 聽著差不多的音樂 喝醉差不多的糗 / 有著差不多的絕望 做著差不多的夢 / 穿著差不多的衣服 腦袋差不多的空 / 差不多的掛 我說著差不多抱怨的話 / 時間也差不多了 該回我那差不多的家 / 差不多的瞎 指鹿為馬 都差不多嘛 / 繼續吧 繼續瞎子摸象吧 有差嗎
Hook: 我是差不多先生 我的差不多是天生 / 代表我很天真 也代表我是個賤人 / 這差不多的人生 這個問題艱深 / 差不多先生 我的差不多是天生 / 代表我很天真 也代表我是個賤人 / 這差不多的人生 總在見縫插針
3x per diem: le home foodlettes
差不多的反覆 總是差不多又義無反顧 / 差不多的感觸 總是差不多又愁雲慘霧 / 差不多的孤 差不多的獨 / 一條差不多的路 我吃著差不多的苦 / 我嗑著差不多的藥 又睡了一場差不多的覺 / 差不多的煩惱 差不多要把我逼瘋掉 / 差不多的 糟 差不多的 妙 / 差不多的 ㄋㄠ 又差不多的 屌 / 差不多的中國風 差不多要把耳朵蒙 / 歹戲拖棚 差不多要幫你送個鐘 / 差不多的歌手擺著差不多的烏龍 / 差不多的麥克風唱差不多的呼嚨 / 都在哭窮 差不多都像個豬頭 / 偏偏我和他們差不多是豬朋狗友 / 撒 差不多的謊 虎爛差不多的強 / 罵人差不多的嗆 不然你要怎麼樣
island of sanity pt. 2 |
798 heaven again |
差不多的你 差不多的我 / 差不多的他 差不多的她 / 媽的差不多想發達 / 差不多打著哈哈 她罵著XX / 嘎嘎烏拉拉 都差不多的咖 / 差不多先生 他像個笑話 / 有人又在叫罵 / 差不多要跳不起來 還是要跳躍吧 / 差不多像烏龜 讓烏龜烏龜翹吧 / 這差不多的人生 他妙嗎 / 差不多要力爭上游 想游到上游 / 差不多在心裡默念阿們還有佛陀 不能放牛 / 差不多的生活很街頭 再差一點你就變成街友 / 我唱了八十八個差不多 都差不多 / 差不多 先生不會在乎這麼多 / 日子應該怎麼過 差不多的2008怎麼豁 / 我是差不多先生 熱狗
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