Saturday, November 28, 2020

Sticky note: "Heartbreaks + Setbacks" & Basia's dish

There's a song and recipe in this storyline, too. Dedicated to my very best roommate, B.

Any given hour, January - March, and then July - August, 2020
Flip-flopping around the Apt. 4K kitchen

The general outline, adapted from NYT's recipe for broken eggs:
  • Slice potatoes of any kind into half-moons or wedges; however many potato pieces will fill the pan.
  • A 2" layer of olive oil + hefty pinch*(paprika, cumin, chili flakes) on medium-high heat
    • Other combos: thyme and cherry tomato, clumps of chorizo, eggs love oregano...
  • Slide potatoes into the flavored oil and sprinkle first round of salt. Cook, flipping, until fork tender.
  • Slice an onion of any kind; give 2-3 cloves of garlic the Goodfellas treatment.
  • Add both to the pan, where they'll now cook for just the right amount of time. Salt accordingly.
  • Once your alliums are softened without being golden, crack any number of eggs into the pan, cover, and cook until the whites are set.
  • Be pleased! From humble ingredients, a midweek treat.
  • When in California, top with more readily available ripe avocado and lime. :)
Pairing "the dish," as it's come be known, with a gem from Yebba's "Distance" playlist: Thundercat's "Heartbreaks + Setbacks." Trace the bassline. Characteristic of the times.