This is sort of entry that allows me to chronicle poor online decisions, and should not be of interest to any-birdy
- Clicks on facebook tab with the intentions of closing it, but mouse wanders a millimeter to the left...
- Engages in scan of newsfeed. ______ changed their profile picture! Inspect!
- ______ was with ______ at the Rain Room. A brief google...
- MoMA article explains exhibit. Eager for more silvery-stranded sights. Make Google Images dash.
- pretty snapshot of Rain Room beckons me toward random blog.
- Blog post documents high points of a vacation in NYC and New Jersey. Picture of Carlo's Bake Shop stirs appetite.
- Hop over to bake shop's website; read through entire list of cake fillings. Yearn for dinner.
- Hey, this bake shop is helmed by Buddy Valastro, the star of Cake Boss!
- Youtube an early episode of Cake Boss. Think fondly upon hours spent belly-down on best friend's floor watching Cupcake Wars.
- Curiosity piqued by Buddy Valastro's accent. Do all residents of New Jersey speak that way, and are they all so evenly tanned?
- Youtube Real Housewives of New Jersey - must solve accent mystery.
- Yes, they do. And yes, they are. Rather blinkered of me.
- Suggested videos box includes snippets from Jersey Shore. Continue research.
- Marvel at the powers of eye makeup.
- Wikipedia "Mike the Situation" and absorb all that his Personal Life tab has to offer with rare attentiveness.
- Brother interrupts my spree. Clock shames me.
- Discover that a click in time would have saved nine(teen) minutes.
- Proceed to write this uninspiring post.
Humph. Humph humph humph. A little blotch on an otherwise useful day.